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B-17 Apricot Amygdalin 500 MG


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B-17 Apricot Amygdalin 500 MG

Apricot Power - Amygdalin B-17 500 mg. - 100 Tablets Apricot Power Amygdalin B-17 500 mg. is extracted from apricot seeds and is a non-toxic natural product found in over 1,200 foods like plums, cherries, oranges and apples. Apricot Power's Amygdalin B-17 is made in the USA and is vegan. B17 was the name given to the purifed form of the molecule by a biochemist named Ernst T Krebs in 1952. Apricot Power believes that a balanced diet is essential to a healthy life. Few of us consume enough vitamins and minerals from the foods we eat. Nutritional supplements become necessary for optimal body function. B17 is just one of the many nutrients our body needs.

550.00 AED

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Amgdalin B-17 500 mg. is: Made in the USA Vegan B17 extract comes from apricot seeds through alcohol extraction Laboratory tested and the B17 potency is verified B17 Found in Hundreds of Foods In addition to apricot seeds, B17 is found in wild blackberries, wild crabapples, elderberries, apple seeds, cherry seeds, nectarine seeds, peach seeds, pear seeds, plum seeds, prune seeds, fava, bamboo, alfalfa, eucalyptus and cassava. Other foods that contain lesser amounts of B17 are boysenberries, huckleberries, raspberries, strawberries, squash seeds, black beans, black eyed peas, lentils, lima beans, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, cashews, macadamia nuts, spinach, watercress, sweet potatoes and yams. Frequently Asked Questions How much B17 is in each apricot seeds? Approximately 20mg of B17 is found in each apricot seed. How many apricot seeds should I take each day? You will need to determine the best amount for yourself. With that said most people find that one apricot seed for every 10 pounds of body weight per day spread out throughout the day is a good amount. You should build up to this amount over a few days or even weeks. Start with one apricot seed an hour and see how you do. If you notice any unwanted side effects like dizziness, headache or upset stomach, then you are consuming too many seeds too fast. Eating six to ten seeds daily is a very common amount. But remember to never over consume apricot seeds, always start with a small amount and slowly increase that amount if you feel you want to. Can I take apricot seeds and B17 together? Yes, however they should be spread out at least one hour apart from each other. If you notice any unwanted side effects like dizziness, head ache or upset stomach then you’re consuming too much too fast. How much B17 should I take daily? Quantities vary from person to person depending on their needs. Research all products before consumption. Consult your naturopath, homeopathic physician, kinesiologist or physician of choice. As with apricot seeds, always start with a small amount and slow move to a higher amount if desired. Can I freeze apricot seeds? They recommend you do not freeze apricot seeds. They are better kept in a cool dry place like the refrigerator or pantry. How long can I store the apricot seeds? Up to one year in the refrigerator. Are Apricot Power's apricot seeds raw? Yes, their apricot seeds are air dried in the pits at low heats and then shelled and packaged. No other processing has been done.

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